Oct. 30. (Fri) (성산룸, Seongsan Room)
Time | Content | |
17:00~17:30 | MOU Ceremony | KASI & Yunus Emre Institute Turkish Cultural Center |
Oct. 31. (Sat) (올레룸, Olleh Room)
Time | Content | (Chair) | |
09:30~09:40 | Opening Ceremony | ||
09:40~11:40 | Session I |
The Fall of Astronomy in the Islamic World: Causes and Future Paths (Moamen Gouda) Azerbaijani astronomers and some of their discoveries: a historical overview (Rovshan Ibrahimov) The Rise of Astronomy in Medieval Islamic World (Hanafy Shimaa) |
Oh, Chong Jin |
11:40~13:00 | Lunch | ||
13:00~15:00 | Session II | 우즈베키스탄의 천문학 주요기관 및 연구동향 (이지은) TBD (안정국) Introduction of Islamic Astronomy to Joseon in the 15th Century (Focusing on the Korean-Version of the Chinese-Islamic Calendar, Chiljeongsan Oepyeon) (이은희) |
김상혁 |
15:30~18:00 | Excursion |
Nov. 1. (Sun) (올레룸, Olleh Room)
Time | Content | (Chair) | |
09:30~11:50 | Round Table | 향후 연구주제 토의 (발제) 중세 이슬람세계 과학의 발전과 천문학 (오종진) |
민병희 |
11:50~12:00 | Closing Ceremony |